The Cup of JOE Morning Show
We are proud to announce our “Helping Hands” Award!
If you know someone in the community who is doing good deeds or going out of his or her way to be an asset to our community, please e-mail [email protected] and give us their name and what they’ve been doing. We will select a winner once a week and that winner will recieve a special prize and be mentioned on our morning show!
Congrats to this weeks winner of the “Helping Hands Award” Monica Speer of Lake Worth! The Cup of Joe Morning Show would like to thank you for all the good you do in our community!
Health Watch:
Twelve Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Getting Cancer
May is National Cancer Research Month, so here’s a list from “Prevention Magazine” of twelve ways to reduce your cancer risk . . .
#1.) GET A LITTLE SUN. Vitamin D lies dormant in your skin until ultraviolet rays from the sun activate it. And getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun a few days a week can help prevent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, breast cancer, and colon cancer.
–Just don’t get burnt. Every time you get a sunburn, you increase your chances of developing skin cancer.
#2.) DRINK DECAF. According to two Harvard University studies, drinking two or more cups of decaf a day might lower your risk of rectal cancer by 52%. Researchers think it’s because coffee makes you go to the bathroom more often.
–But they have no idea why decaf has better results than regular coffee.
#3.) LISTEN TO KATIE COURIC. Colon cancer is the second deadliest type of cancer there is. So if it runs in your family, schedule a colonoscopy before your 50th birthday at the latest . . . like Katie Couric did on live television in 2000.
#4.) EAT AN ORANGE EVERY DAY. Research shows that if you have enough vitamin C in your system, it kills the bacteria that cause peptic ulcers and lead to stomach cancer.
#5.) LOSE TEN POUNDS. Even if you’re not technically overweight, gaining ten pounds after the age of 30 increases your risk of developing breast cancer, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
–And according to the American Cancer Society, obesity is to blame for 20% of all cancer deaths among women, and 14% among men.
#6.) STEAM YOUR BROCCOLI. A bunch of different studies have shown that eating large amounts of broccoli can prevent cancer from developing in your stomach, lungs, ovaries, bladder, and colon.
–And steaming it locks in a cancer-fighting compound called sulforaphane (–pronounced sul-FOR-a-fane) that’s been shown to stop the growth of breast cancer cells. But microwaving doesn’t work. It strips out most of the antioxidants.
#7.) EAT BANANAS AND CARROTS. In a Swedish study, women who ate four to six bananas every week cut their risk of kidney cancer by 54%. And root vegetables like carrots did the same thing.
#8.) CHECK FOR NEW MOLES. The most common place for women to get skin cancer is on your legs. For guys, it’s around your head, neck, and arms. But you’re supposed to check your ENTIRE body. And ideally, someone ELSE should do it.
–If you’re over 40, see the dermatologist once a year even if you DON’T have any new moles.
#9.) DRINK MILK. It’s good for your bones, but it also might prevent colon cancer. Researchers at Dartmouth gave people 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day. That’s the equivalent of three eight-ounce glasses of milk.
–After four years, the people who took calcium developed 36% fewer pre-cancerous growths in their colon compared to the people who took a placebo.
#10.) EAT ANYTHING WITH TOMATOES IN IT. Lycopene reduces your cancer risk. And men who eat a lot of pizza, spaghetti, and ketchup are less likely to get prostate cancer. But be careful how much ketchup you eat. It’s loaded with salt.
#11.) DON’T EAT HOT DOGS. A study of 190,000 people found that eating one hot dog a day boosts your risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%. And pancreatic cancer is almost always fatal. The same goes for sausages and other processed meats.
#12.) QUIT SMOKING NOW. Everyone talks about cigarettes causing lung cancer, but they also cause cancer of the mouth, larynx, and esophagus. Plus, smoking increases your chances of stomach, liver, prostate, colon, and breast cancer too.
–The good news is, if you quit smoking right now, in 15 years your risk of developing lung cancer will be almost as low as if you’d never smoked.